Sunday, August 4, 2019

Capstone Adventures: Part 9

I made a lot of progress once I switched away from Computer Vision topics. I am now determining Cervical Cancer Risk based on a data set in the UCI Repository. The model will be based on it but the data used can be collected by just about any clinic, hospital, state, etc.

One of the more interesting features I implemented was customizing the risk threshold so that the user can select their acceptable levels of false negatives vs. false positives. It took a while to figure out how to convert the continuous variable back into binary in a format that allows me to compare the results to the original test data. But I finally finished that today.

I'm ready to start integrating all the features into a GUI. I didn't set up security features or queries because it didn't make sense to do that in Jupyter, but I left all the other stuff in there because it doesn't make sense to put all of that into the GUI.

So Jupyter is done. I even printed it out as a pdf to ceremoniously close that segment up. I kept it open on my desktop until today so it's literally closed as well, lol.

I'll spend the next day or two exploring GUI options before digging into that part. Hopefully all that time in Software 1 and 2 transfers over into doing similar things in Python.

I really have no idea how much time I need to finish. I guess I'll find out once it's time to start the next phase. After this, I just have the writing. There are 28 days left in my term.

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