Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Capstone Adventures: Part 10

Time is running low. I have the GUI drafted though not fully functional. I'm chipping away at all the pieces but I keep getting this nagging feeling that I'm making it harder than it needs to be.

The rubric was holding me back a bit. I tried to get clarification on a few things and my CI was clueless. So I had to build the various options to figure out the answer. That really tanked my motivation, especially after I figured out what I needed to know and how easy it would have been for the CI to simply read the capstones that have been submitted so far (what are we at, 20 graduates by now?).

In any case, I applied for an extension and if I don't get it or finish by the end of the term, I will withdraw. While I can afford another term, WGU is starting to not feel worth it. At this point, I would rather give that win (not to mention tuition) to a school that actually helps me get there --even if I have to pay more for that privilege.

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