Tuesday, September 17, 2019


My e-diploma arrived earlier today. The hard copy is in the mail. 

I'm getting ready for the high holidays now so I'll be quiet for a little while. I'm still winding down and getting used to not being in a constant rush. When I'm done I'll start putting together the framework for the projects I have lined up and get back to some reading. There are books from the core program that I really need to go over again now that I have a big picture of CS.

Students have mentioned moving my blog activities over to medium but it just sounds like a bunch of techies trying to be noticed by recruiters ... I don't think my writing or marketing abilities would be able to compete in that environment. I just need a place to keep my notes and celebrate my wins.

I am REALLY thankful for the fellow students who took a moment to unravel whatever corner I coded myself into or explained a topic I was beating my head against. This was one program I don't think I could have done solo. Thank you, my angels.

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