Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Extension Oddities

Because I was on an extension when I passed, the capstone didn't actually finalize as completed until 9/9. But I was able to fill out my application for graduation on Sunday. I got a ding today thinking it was good news but the financial aid department decided to send me a bill for next term (I sent it back) ... It looks like WGU needs to tweak the automatic settings or something.

I keep checking to see when they finally kick me out of the degree plan. I'll post back when it does.

EDIT: I was kicked out of the degree plan on Thursday with the following message:

Someone on reddit said he spoke with the head of CompSci earlier that day and learned we had exactly 35 graduates. Because of that, I've been telling everyone I'm WGU's 36th graduate. Woot!

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