Friday, June 29, 2018

C846 Business of IT - Applications

I became ITIL certified with this course.

It was pretty slim, especially for 4 credits. I it's a good cert to have on the resume. Let's hope it makes a difference. My main weapon was the Axelos ITIL app which was $5. There are flash cards and a few kinds of practice tests that you can configure to specific topics. There were a lot of definitions and quite a few of them you could answer correctly just by paying attention to a few sneaky words. The app definitely helped a lot though. I'm not sure how well I would have done if I didn't get it.

My quest for more school hours seem to be working. I got in all my runs this week and started 3-mintue intervals today. It's starting to catch up though. I've been really sleepy, though I also haven't had any coffee since this morning so that could be it. No runs for two days and I'm looking forward to the break.

I went to a graduation for a preschool today. I'm grateful to its teachers who stuck out some very rough times. I hope today is the start of better ones.

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