Sunday, July 14, 2019

Capstone Adventures: Part 3

Well, it looks like this dataset might be too big for Computer Vision. I just realized that it has a 100k upload limit which is less than half my training dataset.


... and my dataset is gone. Apparently I built the last project on my "student" account which just expired. I'm going to continue classifying my files since the remaining data will fill up the 100k limit easily. But I'll wait to hear from my advisor before recreating the project on the "free" account.

I also have another project lined up just in case I end up nixing this idea all together: Facial Expression Recognition. I would need to converting a .bib file into jpeg files to get it to work. But it's under 30k images so even my computer can handle this one.


On the upside, I am acquiring useful data munging and automation skills.

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