Sunday, July 21, 2019

Capstone Adventures: Part 6

I think I've decided that I'm going for the Diabetic Retinopathy (leading cause of blindness) project. Getting this to work will involve either pushing my current system to run tensorflow-gpu or getting a new computer. I've been attempting to install it all day, going back and forth between CUDA9, CUDA10, and several variations of other parts of the installation.

After the first few failed attempts I figured that a new computer will likely not help and just realized at 11pm, that Tensorflow absolutely cannot work with Python 3.7. As you can clearly see ... I'm really not that smart ... This experience has been great for my self-esteem. To Python 3.6 and the glimmer of hope that I'm a little closer to figuring this out than I was 12 hours ago.

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