Monday, May 6, 2019

C191 Operating Systems

This course was supposed to last a week because I had completed the bulk of the reading over term break. I finished this five weeks after my term started. Most books on the subject is filled with so much jargon, it took a while before everything started to sound like English.

I eventually ended up creating a test bank with all the questions on sanfoundry (that website doesn't shuffle the questions or answers so it's easy to remember where the right answers are without actually learning the right answer, lol). It took a few days to debug it but working on that helped solidify the terms I was getting mixed up. It also clarified the concepts that didn't make sense because I was getting certain terms mixed up. So it was a good experience and I hope the bank helps others.

I think the exam for this one throws in a little too many oddball questions that I can't imagine most people being able to retain from 900 pages of text. They aren't challenging questions, they just weren't related to any of the major points or any of the overviews we get with the course materials, things that you wouldn't think were important to study thoroughly.

Anyway, I'm glad this one is finally done. I started going over OS topics back in December so I spent A LOT more than five weeks on this course, about four months total though only the past 5 weeks consistently. I think when my term is complete I'll give Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces another read. That was more helpful in understanding what this class was supposed to teach me than any of the materials we were given or recommended lecture sets.

Here's the test bank link again -

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