Friday, June 29, 2018

C846 Business of IT - Applications

I became ITIL certified with this course.

It was pretty slim, especially for 4 credits. I it's a good cert to have on the resume. Let's hope it makes a difference. My main weapon was the Axelos ITIL app which was $5. There are flash cards and a few kinds of practice tests that you can configure to specific topics. There were a lot of definitions and quite a few of them you could answer correctly just by paying attention to a few sneaky words. The app definitely helped a lot though. I'm not sure how well I would have done if I didn't get it.

My quest for more school hours seem to be working. I got in all my runs this week and started 3-mintue intervals today. It's starting to catch up though. I've been really sleepy, though I also haven't had any coffee since this morning so that could be it. No runs for two days and I'm looking forward to the break.

I went to a graduation for a preschool today. I'm grateful to its teachers who stuck out some very rough times. I hope today is the start of better ones.

Monday, June 25, 2018


I keep feeling like I'm not putting enough time for school so I decided to start waking up at 5:30am and go for my runs then. I think I need to push that back to 5am starting Wednesday. I'm also starting to track my mileage. I ran 2.08 miles today! I'll start keeping a tally.

I am grateful for coffee, without which I couldn't stay awake after a 5:30am run!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

C754 Structured Query Language

This was an easy pass for me since I took the 1z0-071 cert last year and the 1z0-061 questions were included in it. I started working with OracleStudy last Monday and took the exam on Friday. It wasn't easy in the sense that I didn't have to work with it but rather that I only had to study for 4 days until I was ready to pass the certificate.

I shouldn't have complained so much but I was annoyed that WGU wouldn't accept my 1z0-071 certificate for this course. Time to move on.

I have C172 next but I think I'll work on ITIL instead. It's my last cert course for the program and it will be good to get out of the way. I'm also not comfortable with networking yet.

I am grateful for shabbat. Between work, school, board issues, running --not to mention the bar mitzvah last week ... I really needed the recharge this week.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

C779 Web Development Foundations

This was another foundation course so it shouldn't require a ton of work, especially if you have moderate coding. I had some web experience and was able to utilize my other coding knowledge to get me through it. It's pretty straightforward but with only 30 questions, I can see it being easy to get confused or uncertain and falling below cut. I don't think the labs are essential to understanding the code or passing the exam. I watched a few html and css tutorials and in combination with the practice questions on ucertify, I was good to go. As for all exams, I made sure I understood why the right answers were right and why the wrong answers were wrong before I considered myself prepared enough.

I decided to start running a few weeks ago and it's finally going well. It took a while and I figured I had to do something on my off days so I started using the same podcast and just walk during my off days.

I'm thankful for my community who attended my son's bar mitzvah last weekend. So many of them had to step out of their comfort zones to be there for us because they wanted to be a part of this milestone.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Break

I need to give myself a break for not being able to keep up with this every day. My younger son is becoming a bar mitzvah this weekend, I'm working, I'm trying to run again, I'm a member of a board of directors, and I'm trying to keep up with uni.

I'm grateful for my children who dare to live amazing lives. They save me in ways they will never know.

Saturday, June 9, 2018


I haven't mentioned my husband yet because it's hard to pick any one thing on any given day when it comes to him or our marriage. My life begins and ends with him. We love and support each other, complete and unwavering in ways that I never dreamed possible. His strength and courage carries me every day.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

C182 Introduction to IT

This course should not take longer than a day. Skim the summaries and only go back to read the chapters if the material looks foreign. The content is very basic and the reading is likely a waste of time unless you spent the majority of your life away from both computers and pop culture. 

It turns out, I didn't think my start date completely. My boys are on summer schedule so instead of taking the C182 exam yesterday, I had to wait until today. I need to kick them out in order to take exams which I really don't like to do but I suppose they need more time outdoors during the summer.

Today I'm thankful for my supportive family who tries to not complain when I have to kick them out for exams. They also try to understand when I get annoyed at noise because I'm struggling through something complicated. It's going to be an interesting summer!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

First Day

I had to work early all week last week and I attended commencement last weekend so there's a nice gap in my posts (so much for daily routines!). I'm getting started on BSCS courses today. I can't believe they're making me take Introduction to IT ... I mean, I have a Master's in Data Analytics!

I'm grateful for my step mom who convinced my dad to postpone his move out of the country for two years. That was my graduation present over the weekend. I don't think I realized how much anxiety their move was causing me until I got the news and I realized I can postpone the anticipation for a while longer.