Friday, July 13, 2018

C172 Network and Security Foundation

I finally got through this one. It was difficult to determine what the sticking points were going to be until after attempting an OA. Once I knew what I had to know, I was able to score an 81%. I think if I had known how thorough Chapter 5 would be tested I would have done better the first time around.

I am grateful for Pluralsight access. That one put together a lot of things for me as it kept breaking things down to the point where it didn't matter what kind of background I was coming from. Mike Meyers went over things more thoroughly but I could never figure out where his lectures were leading or which parts he was mentioning because I had to know it or because it was leading to something else.

I'm pushing out of a fog right now. I bumped up my running to 4x per week: Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Tonight I start Week 2 of Freeway to 10k.

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