Thursday, July 19, 2018

Data Management (C175 and C170)

It was nice to be able to study these topics explicitly, where in the Master's program I was picking up the theory rather intuitively through related coursework --or as I like to refer to it: trial by fire. This is why I went back to undergrad for BSCS, to figure out the nuts and bolts and derive deeper meaning to the things I feel like I had only grasped the surface of.

In any case, C175 had more theory and had a heavier emphasis on DML statements while C170 focused a lot more on coding questions: more complicated DML statements though there were more questions on DDL statements than DML statements (I think). With my background in SQL and Oracle, I was able to complete them with flying colors --in three days if you count the day off I took for work. I got 100% in the lab exam which is the first time I scored that high in any WGU exam, definitely brag-worthy as WGU exams tend to be averse to perfect scores.

I started to talk about my concussion recently and how that affected my memory. I had to adapt various techniques to be able to learn things the way I used to. Too many years passed before I realized there was an issue I needed to address. I am grateful for the opportunity to catch up on lost time.

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