Tuesday, September 17, 2019


My e-diploma arrived earlier today. The hard copy is in the mail. 

I'm getting ready for the high holidays now so I'll be quiet for a little while. I'm still winding down and getting used to not being in a constant rush. When I'm done I'll start putting together the framework for the projects I have lined up and get back to some reading. There are books from the core program that I really need to go over again now that I have a big picture of CS.

Students have mentioned moving my blog activities over to medium but it just sounds like a bunch of techies trying to be noticed by recruiters ... I don't think my writing or marketing abilities would be able to compete in that environment. I just need a place to keep my notes and celebrate my wins.

I am REALLY thankful for the fellow students who took a moment to unravel whatever corner I coded myself into or explained a topic I was beating my head against. This was one program I don't think I could have done solo. Thank you, my angels.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


So this is what I'm doing with my free time these days (found a company that lets you customize text for letterman jackets) ... In theme with being WGU's 36th comp sci graduate:

In all seriousness, I've been working on decompressing. I've been wound really tight in the weeks leading up to graduation and it's been difficult getting myself off that mindset. 

Up next: my diploma should be coming in the mail in the next week or so. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Extension Oddities

Because I was on an extension when I passed, the capstone didn't actually finalize as completed until 9/9. But I was able to fill out my application for graduation on Sunday. I got a ding today thinking it was good news but the financial aid department decided to send me a bill for next term (I sent it back) ... It looks like WGU needs to tweak the automatic settings or something.

I keep checking to see when they finally kick me out of the degree plan. I'll post back when it does.

EDIT: I was kicked out of the degree plan on Thursday with the following message:

Someone on reddit said he spoke with the head of CompSci earlier that day and learned we had exactly 35 graduates. Because of that, I've been telling everyone I'm WGU's 36th graduate. Woot!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019

Capstone Adventures: Part 20

Section D is done and I am spent. I'll work on B tomorrow.

Capstone Adventures: Part 19

I fleshed out a lot of Part D but didn't finish. I spent most of the evening fool-proofing my local installation. Magically, it got qgrid working on my computer. For some reason I could not manually set the environment properly but my automation script manged to figure it out for me.

I probably wrote more about the data cleaning process than I needed to. But it did make up the majority of the coding which it generally does in machine learning models.

Anyway, I should be able to finish Part D tomorrow. Then I'll be doing B and finally A.

I shouldn't be trying to finish by the weekend but I'm ready to be done.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Capstone Adventures: Part 18

I didn't quite take the entire weekend off but it was good enough.

I'm completing Task 2 out of order. I just completed Section C which is a description of the product features. I'll probably attempt section D tomorrow which is documentation.

I ended up tweaking the product with a few navigation features to make it easier to get to everything. I also adjusted the size of the data frames to be more viewer-friendly. And I added a logging tool to check off the 'security' feature requirement.