Monday, February 18, 2019

Heading Back

My term break is nearly over and I was able to complete the reading for my remaining courses; there's one book left but I'll have that done before March 1st. 

I originally planned to work on programming more but I found myself having to look for more work and it took a few weeks to land the position I wanted. Luckily, working on programming seemed to become less necessary as I worked through my reading to fill in the blanks. At least I noticed that I was able to complete SoloLearn for Java with much greater ease than C++ and I expect Python to give me even less issues. 

I'm working full time and I don't expect that to change at all in the next few years. So finishing BSCS in another term might be a bit of a stretch. I figure if anything, I should be able to complete all but capstone and then complete capstone a few months into the new term. I still want to apply to Georgia Tech in September since completing a BSCS is not actually necessary to get in. 

I still want to earn my CPA so if Georgia Tech doesn't happen, that's where I'm headed next. And if GT does happen, I'll work on the CPA afterward. 

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