Monday, August 13, 2018

C959 Discrete Math I

I had a rough start with this one. The first unit was just so daunting I ended up pursuing easier courses until I felt I had a few extra weeks banked to devote to this. Of course once I completed the first unit, I flew through the rest, go figure. I'll have to remember that in the future.

Trefor Bazet was my hero. He got me through that first unit though I'm glad I spent extra time on it. I'm also glad I took the pressure off of attempting to push through this one in the same amount of time I was completing other courses. It constantly reminds students how important the concepts are in Computer Science so I embraced the process and passed with flying colors.

Useful lectures: - Tefor Bazet DM1 lectures - difference between BFS and DFS paths

I am grateful for being able to run again. I'm on Week 2 of the Freeway to 10k program though I am spending two weeks on each interval. This is my second week on Week 2 so it should take me 17 weeks to finish the program. 

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