Saturday, July 21, 2018

Finally Starting

This is pretty much where my fast-tracking ends and the actual degree work begins. Adventure! But first, some much-needed time off. I have both C867 and C959 in my plan right now. I'm hoping one of them starts to make sense after some research. They don't even sound like English to me right now. 

 - 4 Scripting and Programming Applications - C867
 - 4  Discrete Mathematics I – C959 
 - 4  Discrete Mathematics II – C960 
 - 3  Computer Architecture – C952 
 - 6  Software I – C482 
 - 6  Software II - Advanced Java Concepts – C195 
 - 4  Data Structures and Algorithms I – C949 
 - 4  Data Structures and Algorithms II – C950 
 - 3  Operating Systems for Programmers – C191 
 - 4  Software Engineering – C188 
 - 3  Software Quality Assurance – C857 
 - 3  Introduction to Artificial Intelligence – C951 
 - 4  Computer Science Capstone – C964  

I am grateful for vacations and brain breaks. 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Data Management (C175 and C170)

It was nice to be able to study these topics explicitly, where in the Master's program I was picking up the theory rather intuitively through related coursework --or as I like to refer to it: trial by fire. This is why I went back to undergrad for BSCS, to figure out the nuts and bolts and derive deeper meaning to the things I feel like I had only grasped the surface of.

In any case, C175 had more theory and had a heavier emphasis on DML statements while C170 focused a lot more on coding questions: more complicated DML statements though there were more questions on DDL statements than DML statements (I think). With my background in SQL and Oracle, I was able to complete them with flying colors --in three days if you count the day off I took for work. I got 100% in the lab exam which is the first time I scored that high in any WGU exam, definitely brag-worthy as WGU exams tend to be averse to perfect scores.

I started to talk about my concussion recently and how that affected my memory. I had to adapt various techniques to be able to learn things the way I used to. Too many years passed before I realized there was an issue I needed to address. I am grateful for the opportunity to catch up on lost time.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

C836 Fundamentals of Information Security

This was another day class since I already knew most of it. I had to look a few things up but it was pretty straightforward. I'm going against my own advice and am getting a lot of the easy ones out of the way right now. But I'm going out of town and I need to get some classes out of the way to make up for it.

Friday, July 13, 2018

C173 Scripting and Programming Foundations

A lot of this course was review from a few earlier courses. The rest was a matter of paying attention to what was being asked during the exam. I scored better on the OA than I did on the PreA!

I am grateful for my solid win today. I needed it!

C172 Network and Security Foundation

I finally got through this one. It was difficult to determine what the sticking points were going to be until after attempting an OA. Once I knew what I had to know, I was able to score an 81%. I think if I had known how thorough Chapter 5 would be tested I would have done better the first time around.

I am grateful for Pluralsight access. That one put together a lot of things for me as it kept breaking things down to the point where it didn't matter what kind of background I was coming from. Mike Meyers went over things more thoroughly but I could never figure out where his lectures were leading or which parts he was mentioning because I had to know it or because it was leading to something else.

I'm pushing out of a fog right now. I bumped up my running to 4x per week: Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Tonight I start Week 2 of Freeway to 10k.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Fork Me!

I knew I didn't want a Network course into my first term but it was one of the four I didn't have a choice on. I went for it this week and fell short. On a good note, I had a REALLY good run today after the exam!

I don't think I'll be pursuing a career in networking any time soon!

I am thankful for all the non-networking careers still available to me.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


I started weightlifting today. I'm hoping to start feeling strong again soon. I've been afraid to work out my arms since my rotator cuff and related injuries healed. To be running and lifting again! What a time!

I'm grateful my injuries finally healed. It was a few years before wasn't living every day in some kind of pain.