Wednesday, June 12, 2019


After over 14 years at home raising a family, I am officially hired (been mostly on contract or temp positions since December). It is in a great industry (entertainment), the company treats their employees well, the other employees are not insane, the bosses are human, and the benefits are awesome. 
It came with a pay increase so now that I can afford to, I will not be rushing through the end of the degree. That means instead of just learning what I need to finish Software 2, I’ll be working on the Udemy master course that’s been snoozing in my account. I’ll also make capstone something I would want to show off in GitHub.
I've been programming in cycles of: try this, if it works move on, else backtrack to when it was working and try something else. I’m hoping the course breaks me out of that mentality and give me the confidence to work through my bugs or at least figure out what piece of code caused the break.I don't know if I'll use Java for capstone but I need an actual class and I've only heard good things about Buchalka. 
I'm forcing a break because I need to break out of that constant rush mentality. No more worrying about running out of time and money; I have enough of both (now) to get me through another term if needed. 


  1. You can do it, I have been follow your post, and I was inspired how many degrees and classed you have been taken!! You show me how much hard work can pay off!
