Monday, October 1, 2018


Being a beta tester for WGU's BSCS program is taking its toll. I'm finding that Data Structures and Algorithms I should have been a prerequisite for Discrete Math 2. I went through the materials just fine and learned the content of the book. But a lot of the questions included things that were in the Data Structures book rather than the Discrete Math 2 book. Many other colleges have it as a prerequisite and whomever wrote the Objective Assessment likely assumed as much.

So I'm taking a break to go through the Data Structures materials. I wanted to take it before Discrete Math I but wasn't allowed because Software I is listed as a prerequisite. I think I'm grumpy, learning how much not being able to take that course set me back.

I figure I'll need Software II and Data Structures II before I qualify to apply to CS internships again and I'm aiming to get through those and apply to Georgia Tech by September 1st. That will require me to work on CS topics while I get through math next term. I figure once I complete two math courses in the month I'll devote the rest of the month to working on CS courses , developing projects, and writing my GT application essays.

This is my wish list for next term:

Probability and Statistics I
Calculus I
Calculus II
Linear Algebra
Probability and Statistics II
Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Abstract Algebra
Calculus III
Advanced Calculus

I may get credit for the first two but I'll want to review those before digging into the other courses.

I am grateful that the secondary math program has been around long enough to have an established course structure with proper materials.